Wednesday, 9 September 2009




UNIT 4: Dictionary skills and Information Gathering and Processing skills.






UNIT 4:  Contents pages, indexes and catalogues


General Objectives:

                         To locate specific reference materials especially books/journals in a

                         library by using the author, subject, title catalogue, table of contents and



Specific Objectives:

                        By the end of this unit, you should be able to:

  1. scan contents page, indexes, catalogue in publication (CIP) pages, etc. to locate and extract information.
  2. find books using various types of library catalogue cards 






4 .1     Content page





In every book, there is a contents page to help you find out quickly any relevant information you required. The contents page is placed in the first few pages of the book. Below is an extract of a book as an example:





Chapter 1   Training Techniques Applied to Language Teaching                                   1

                   The four Criteria of Adult Learning                                                                    1

                       Self-Concept of the Learner                                                                            1

                       Utilizing the Learner’s Experience                                                                 2

                            Readiness to Learn                                                                                         3

                            Time Perspective and Orientation to Learning                                              4

                    The Link Between Adult Learning Philosophy and Theories of Language

                            Learning                                                                                                      5

                        Natural Language Learning                                                                            5

****************************************                                        6

****************************************                                        7

****************************************                                        9

Chapter 2    Warm-ups and Mixers                                                                                   15



*          *****************************************                                      154

Appendixes  Cross-References to Exercises                                                                     155

Appendix 1 *******************************                                       155

Index                                                                                                                                    161



















Task 1



Study the contents page below and answer the questions that follow.


Map of the book                               iv                               

Thanks and Acknowledgements      viii           

Section 1 Computers today                 1                             Section 3 Storage devices                50

Unit 1   Computer applications             2                             Unit 11  Floppies                              51

Unit 2   Configuration                           7                             Unit 12   Hard drives                        55

Unit 3   Inside the system                      11                           Unit 13   Optical breakthrough         59

Unit 4   Bits and bytes                          17

Unit 5   Buying a computer                   21                           Section 4    Basic software                        64

                                                                                              Unit 14    Operating system                        65

Section 2   Input/output devices            26                        Unit 15   The graphical user interface         69

Unit 6        Type and click!                  27                            Unit 16   A walk through word processing 73

Unit 7        Capture your favourite image  32                      Unit 17   Spreadsheets                                 79

Unit 8        Viewing the output        36                                 Unit 18  Databases                                      82

Unit 9        Choosing a printer         40                                 Unit 19  Faces of the Internet                     87









  1. f you want to find out about bits and bytes, what page would you turn to?


  1. You want to know about printers, which section would you turn to?


  1. What kind of information can you find in section 3?


  1. What is the content of pages 79 to 81?


  1. On what page(s) is the internet discussed? 


    1. Catalogue






Catalogue cards are used in libraries to help you find books or journals quickly. There are various types of catalogue cards that are catalogued by author, title, or subject. They are catalogued in an alphabetical order.  So it is easy for you to find any book as long as you know the author’s name, the subject area or the title of the book. You just go to the catalogue drawer and search. However, many libraries today use a computer programme called OPAC that helps you to search for relevant materials quickly. You just key-in the data required, and it will tell you where to get the book. The OPAC is actually an electronic catalogue card. Below is an example of a catalogue card.


Call number                          Author's name                           Book title


KLU       Kluckhorn Clyde, 1905-

                   Mirror for me, the relation of 

                   anthropology to modern life.

                   New York,  Whittlesery House (1949)

                     xi, 313p.  22cm

                   Bibliography included in

"Acknowledgement" (p301)

1.  Anthropology                  2.  US-Civilization

                                Library of Congress





                                                                                                                      Year published





Task 2

Answer the following questions.

1. What are the three types of catalogue cards?

              a. ____________________________

              b. ____________________________

              c. ____________________________

2. Complete Table 2.1 based on the given catalogue.

SHOEMAKER, Connie L.                                               234


                            English:  Interactive Techniques for the ESL


                        Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers 1991

                        162p Illus. Appendixes  Index








Table 2.1







Copyright date


Subject heading


Number of pages


Call number




    1. Index







Index (indices) is an alphabetical list of names, subjects etc at the end of a book or on cards in a library. The index shows the page where the subjects are discussed. Below is an example of an index page of a book.




Adapting and creating interactive techniques, 151 – 154

Adult learning criteria, 1 – 5

Adult training, 1

“American Family Life,”  105 – 107

Andragogy, 1, 2 – 5, 6, 8 – 12

Asher, J., 7, 12

Audiolingual approach, 5


“Bargaining for Resources,”  81

“Birth Signs,” 32

“Brainteaser,” 51

Brown, G.I., 8, 12


Chomsky, N., 5, 12

“Competing for ‘Cash’,” 77

“Competition Bee,” 75

Competitive games, 73 – 91

   definition, 73

   uses of, 73


“Design    a T-Shirt,” 24

“Detective Story,” 59

“Dinner Party,” 30

“Do As I Say,” 78

“Evacuation,” 127 – 129

“Exchange Tags,” 33






Task 3


Study the index below and answer the questions that follow.




“Memory Quiz,” 74

“More Dots,” 43


“The Name Game,” 20

Natural language learning, 5

“New and Good,” 25

“Nonverbal Introduction,” 21


“Old or Young Woman?,” 55

“Open-Ended Interviews,” 19

“Outline Jigsaws,” 49


“Pebbles,” 147 – 149

Pedagogy, 4 – 5

“Pins and Straws,” 90

“Plane Crash,” 144 – 147

“Preconceived Notion,” 46

Puzzles, 37 – 71



1.    The “Memory Quiz,” is on page _________________________________________.

2.    On page 19 you can find out about ______________________________________.

3.    If you are interested in puzzles, you can refer to pages ________________________.

4.    Page 5 discusses _____________________________________________________.

5.   If you want to know what pedagogy is about, you should read pages _____________.







Self assessment.

Activity 1.

Complete the table by giving the definition of the following words:












Contents page









Activity 2

Write out a catalogue for each of these books.


  1. Effective Business Communications by Herta A. Murphy and Herbert W. Hildebrandt, copyright published in 1984, in the United States of America by McGraw-Hill Book Company.
  2. English for Technical Students 2 by David Bonamy, copyright published in 1999, in Malaysia by Longman.
  3. English for Computer Users by Santiago and Remacha Esteras,copyright published in 1999 in the United Kingdom by the Cambridge University Press.







(Feedback ) Self assessment.

Activity 1.

Complete the table by giving the definition of the following words:







List of names, places, etc. in a special order

Contents page


The front page of a book that shows the page, number, of specific information




List of names, subjects, etc. at the end of a book



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