Wednesday, 9 September 2009


A1003/UNIT 5/12










General  Objectives:  


                          To read and be able to skim and scan texts, understand

                          texts, make /take notes, write summaries and response to texts.  


Specific Objective:

                        By the end of this unit, you should be able to:

  1. scan  text to locate specific information
  2. skim texts to get overall meaning
  3. comprehend academic and occupationally-related texts
  4. identify the main points and supporting details in the text
  5. understand the relationships between different parts of the texts in terms 

                              of the idea presented

            6.   understand information presented in non-textual forms.

            7.   understand textual organizers.

  1. deduce the meanings of unfamiliar lexical items through the use of

      contextual clues.

            9.   understand the meanings signaled by cohesive devices and connectors.









Many students think that they should comprehend or understand a text while reading it. But you should understand that good comprehension is usually a process.  You will understand  gradually as you read a simple text and move on to a more complex one.

After you have gone through this topic you should be able to read and understand various types of texts.  You should be able to scan and skim, make or take notes, response to texts and write summaries.


5.1      Scanning




Scanning is a selective reading process. When you scan, you will try to locate facts quickly and also find answers to specific questions. To scan, you should know what information you are searching for even before you start to read. To scan quickly, you must only look for words or information which you need. In this way you will save a lot of time.


For example, find out the uses of mild steel from the following table.







Cast iron

Machine beds

Machine frames


Wrought iron

Crane hooks

Railway couplings


Mild steel




Medium carbon steel


Hammer heads



When you read the contents in the table, you are only concern with   locating the uses of mild steel and not other types of materials. Hence you only focus on finding the information you need. This is what we call scanning.



Now that you have been given a brief explanation of scanning, try the following task.


Task  1


Read the table carefully and find the answers


Pest that could enter faulty premises





Cracked , faulty points

Rats, mice, ants

Grease traps and drains

Broken grid


Coal hole or shed

Broken doorway

Rats, cats, dogs, foxes, wasps

Refuse bins

Unclean bins

Birds, flies, wasps


Broken glass

Birds, mice, rats, bats


Missing tiles

Birds, mice, rats, bats



Wet rot cockroaches, ants


Damp, peeling

Woodlice, silverfish


Damp surrounding area

Silverfish, spiders



Dry rot, woodlice

Wooden furniture

Old and uncared for



Dirty , dusty

Fleas, carpet beetle



Bed bugs, fleas

Soft Furnishing


Moths, fleas

Ceramic tiled walls


Mould, silverfish



Ants, earwigs

Dry food stores


Cockroaches, flies

Vegetable stores

Unclean ,damp

Silverfish, flies, wasps, ants


a. Name two pests that can destroy woodwork.



b. Name two areas that can be destroyed by cockroaches.



c. Where can you find moths?



d. What pest can destroy ceramic tiled walls?




e. Name a pest that can be found at vegetable stores and plasterwork.


f. What happens when wooden furniture is old and uncared for?












Read the following text quickly.



Don’t worry too much about viruses.  You may never see one.  There are just a few ways to become infected.  The common sources seem to be pirate games and putting floppies in PCs for public use.










What is the article about? (It is about computer viruses.)


You have just read the text quickly to get its general idea. This is called skimming. Skimming is the ability to identify the general ideas by moving your eyes rapidly over a text. You only need to read selected portions to get the gist of the text.  Later you can decide which parts are worth reading in more detail.








Activity  2


Match the titles in the box with the following texts.


  1. Danger at Workplace
  2. Powerful Source
  3. Safety Rules
  4. Structures

5.  Factor of Safety









  1. Anything built is a structure.  A structure is the part of a building that carries its weight.  A building is a structure with roof.  Much of civil engineering structural design is the design of building structures.


  1. To safeguard structures, designers have to consider the permitted working stress of materials they use.  They must accurately calculate the stresses they expect the materials to bear.  Even with today’s testing equipment, errors are sometimes made in calculating the safe loads a structure can carry.



  1. Keep yourself safe in the workshop by wearing the right clothes.  Use dark goggles or a handsheild to prevent damage to your eyes.  Wear ear protectors if there is a lot of noise.  Always wear gloves when handling glass of sheets of metal.


  1. Spray painting is suitable for robots because they do not need to breathe.  Unlike human painters, they are unaffected by the poisonous fumes.  Robots are better at this task because they work in a place where humans cannot.


  1. Virtual reality  systems  are being  developed  throughout  the world.  It enables

      people to walk ‘inside’ nuclear power stations  while controlling a  robot that

      actually goes into an area in which no human could live.  It also enables architects

            to ‘go through’ a computer-generated building before it is constructed.














Activity 2b


Scan the text below quickly to find out which of these mechanisms are mentioned.


1.  cam                                                        2.  tap                                                        3. pendulum


5.  foot pump                                          6. escalator                                          7. gear


8.  piston                                          9. valves                                          10. crankshaft                                         



Mechanisms are an important part of everyday life. They allow us to do simple things like switch on lights, turn taps, and open doors. They also make it possible to  use escalators and lifts, travel in cars, and fly from continent to continent.


Mechanisms play a vital role in industry. While many industrial processes have electronic control systems, it is still mechanisms that deliver the power to do work. They provide the forces to press steel into car panels, to lift large components from place to place, to force plastic through dies to make pipes.


All mechanisms involve some kind motion. The four basic kinds of motions are:


Rotary: Wheels, gears, and rollers involve rotary movement.


Oscillating: The pendulum of a clock oscillates – it swings backwards and forwards.


Linear: The linear movement of a paper trimmer is used to cut the edge of the paper.


Reciprocating: The piston in a combustion engine reciprocates.


Many mechanisms involve changing one kind of motion into another type. For example, the reciprocating motion of a piston is changed into rotary motion by the crankshaft, while a cam converts the rotary motion of the engine into the reciprocating motion required to operate the valves.



Source : Glendinning E. H. et. al. (1995) Oxford English for electrical and

               mechanical engineering p.27









5.3 :   Comprehension skills.








              There are several strategies to help students read effectively. If you follow these strategies, you should be able to read text materials confidently. The strategies are to:

  1. learn to recognize the question type, because if you know what the question is asking you to do, it will be easy to answer it.
  2. pay attention to what you are reading. Skill-Building exercises like skimming, scanning, reading for specific information will help you to focus on the passage.
  3. pay attention to the first sentence. It usually gives the main idea of the passage
  4. read the questions first, when you read, you can look for the answers.
  5. make an intelligent Guess if you are not sure of the answers





Pre Reading Activity

For each word, find two other words with related meanings.









factories injection

microscopic arteries


              1.   machine                                device                             robot


                                 2.   tiny                                    ____________               ___________


                                 3.   planet                                ____________               ____________


                                 4.   medicine                          _____________             ____________


                                 5.   manufacturing                 _____________             ____________


                                 6.   bloodstream                    ______________            ____________


The World Is Getting Smaller


  1. Imagine this: a television screen the size and thickness of a piece of paper. You carry it around in your pocket and take it out when you want to watch a show. Imagine a guitar so  tiny  you can’t see it with he human eye, but you can hear sounds when its strings are plucked. Some people say the future is big, but when it comes to technology, the world is getting smaller.
  2. Nanotechnology is the science that deals with doing things in a very small way, and it is being explored and developed all over the globe. Micromachines too small to be seen by the human eye are being designed to do many things that larger machines do today. And these machines, no larger in diameter than a human hair, are extremely powerful. Many scientists say nanotechnology will produce the next industrial revolution.
  3. How small are these machines, exactly? Nano comes from the Greek word for dwarf. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter. The period at the end of this sentence can contain about 100 micrometers, which is equal to 100,000 nanometers. To understand this new technology, we have to get rid of our normal ideas of size and strength.
  4. Minute robots, called “nanobots,” are being developed that will revolutionize manufacturing. Instead of cars being produced on assembly lines, for example, scientists predict that cars can be built in a giant container into which raw materials and microscopic machines have been placed. Thousands of nanobots will direct the process and tell the microscopic machines what to do.
  5. Micromachines can also be used to make our environment safer. Today, poisonous chemicals are stored in containers or transported by trucks or trains. This sometimes results in dangerous spills. But with nanotechnology, manufacturers could have their own tiny chemical factories. These factories would be no bigger than a sugar cube and would manufacture exactly the amount of chemicals needed at the moment. No chemicals would need to be stored or transported. The workplace would be safer, and the environment would be cleaner.
  6. Maybe the area where nanotechnology will have the biggest impact is medical science. Imagine nanobots in medicine. Thousands or even millions of tiny machines can be sent into the human body with specific missions. For example, they can be designed to find and destroy cancer cells or viruses. Other machines may stay in the human body permanently to help organs that are not functioning properly.
  7. Think of the possibilities in using such tiny machines in surgery. Imagine machines so small you can swallow them in a capsule or inject them into your bloodstream through a needle. After you’ve had too many years of junk food, these tiny robots could be sent into your arteries to clean them. An intelligent machine in your heart would look around to find the problem and then repair it. If you needed an operation, it would be almost like swallowing the surgeon.
  8. When could all of this happen? Scientists predict that much of this is possible in the next 30 years. After all, when your grandparents were young, they would have laughed if someone told them a person could walk on the moon. Thousands of scientists around the world are working on these micromachines. Nanotechnology is just around the corner.  






Task  1


Skim for the main ideas.

Skim the story. Find the paragraph that tells about each of the following topics. Paragraph A is the introduction; omit that paragraph.


1. how small nanomachines are   C

2. new developments in manufacturing _______

3. a definition of nanotechnology __________

4. general uses in medicine _________

5. when to expect nanotechnology to be used ___________

6. nanobots and the environment __________

7. uses in surgery __________


Task 2

Understand cause and effect

The words because, so, that, in order to, and since show the cause of an action or a situation. Match the causes in List A with the effects in List B.


List A



Nanotechnology is so powerful that



A TV screen is like a piece of paper so



We have to change our ideas of size and strength in order to



Tiny machines will be sent into the human body in order to



Mini devices may stay in the human body in order to



Chemicals could be manufactured as needed, so



You have eaten too much junk food, so



Medical instruments will be so tiny that




List B


  1. you can swallow them in a capsule.
  2. help organs that aren’t functioning.
  3. find and destroy cancer cells.
  4. your arteries could be blocked.
  5. you can carry it in your pocket.
  6. no chemicals would have to be stored or transported.
  7. scientists say it will produce the next industrial revolution.
  8. understand this new technology.


Task  3


Find these expressions in the story. Then use the context to help you choose the expression that has the same meaning.


1.   in diameter refers to (paragraph  B  )

      a.  length                                      b.  thickness


2.   Nano describes (paragraph C)

       a.   strength                                 b.   size


3.   To get rid of means  (paragraph C)

       a.   to get something new            b.   to throw something away.


4.   Minute means (paragraph D)

       a.  tiny                                         b.  big


5.   Nanobots are (paragraph  D)

       a.   big robots                               b.   small robots


6.   An assembly line is used to  (paragraph D)

       a.   manufacture products            b.   sell products


7.   Microscopic means (paragraph  D)

       a.   very small                               b.   very big


8.  To store something means to  (paragraph  E)

       a.   keep something                       b.   sell something


9.   To have a big impact means to (paragraph  F)

       a.   make a difference                    b.   stay the same


10.  A mission is (paragraph  F)

       a.   something you intend to do     b.   something you don’t want to do


11.  To swallow means   (paragraph   G)

        a.  to inject                                    b.   to eat


12.   Just around the corner means (paragraph  H)

        a.   later                                         b.   soon  







Task  4


Sequence connectors.


Words like first, next, then, finally, before or subsequently are used to describe a process. They are called sequence connectors. Complete the following passage using suitable connectors.



If you want to fix a leaking tap, the _____________ thing you have to do is to turn off the main water tap. This is to prevent water from gushing out when you open up the tap. _______________ you have to turn on the leaking tap fully. This is to drain away any water left in the pipe.

Then you must dig out the plastic cover on the handle. ________________ unscrew and remove the handle. The ________________thing to do is to remove the spindle. You do this by first loosening the spindle nut with a spanner. _____________________________ pull out the spindle. At the base you can see the washer. Remove the worn out washer and replace it with a new one. ______________________ screw the tap on.









Laser cutting

Engineers have to read sales literature describing the products and services of companies. Read the following sales literature to answer these questions:


  1. Who is this text for?
  2. What service does the company provide?

3.   What are the design benefits of laser cutting?

4.   Can lasers cut non-metals?

  1. What limitations are there on the service they provide?
  2. How does the service cut lead time?




By having to restrict designs to suit manufacturing processes?

By the difficulty and high cost of producing accurate prototypes?

By the high cost and lengthy lead times associated with press tools?

By the high stock levels necessitated by minimum batch sizes?

If your answer to any of the above is yes….




  • The Process                                       The Materials

Laser technology is not new, but                The laser is suitable for cutting:

it is only recently that the full                     - All types of steel including stainless and spring steel.

benefits have become available to              - Most non-ferrous metals.

manufacturers.                                            - Plastics, wood, fiberglass, and almost any other material you 

Taking light and passing it through               care to mention !

a series of lenses makes the light       

source so great that its power                     * The Capacity

density is several million times                  Carbon Steel – up to 13 mm

that of the sun – this laser energy is            Stainless Steel – up to 10 mm

then used to cut almost any                        Plastics – up to 40 mm

material.                                                      Wood – up to 40 mm

The light is directed down towards            Rubber – up to 40 mm

a CNC – controlled table making it          

very easy to produce accurate                     Table movement 1650 mm x 1250 mm

complicated shapes without

distortion, giving burr-free, smooth,           *   The Advantages

and perfectly square edges.                           Short lead time        No tooling costs       Low set-up costs

                                                                      Extremely accurate   Highest  quality      Design flexibility

                                                                      Minimal heat affected zones      








Laser cutting

Engineers have to read sales literature describing the products and services of companies. Read the following sales literature to answer these questions:


  1. Who is this text for?

It is for design engineers, development engineers, buyers and stock controllers


  1. What service does the company provide?

They sell Laser Cutter.


  1. What are the design benefits of laser cutting?

It can produce accurate complicated shapes without distortion, giving burr-free, smooth, and perfectly square edges.


  1. Can lasers cut non-metals?

Yes, they can.


  1. What limitations are there on the service they provide?

There are no limitations.


  1. How does the service cut lead time?

It cuts the lead time by using laser technology that can move very fast.






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